SVC Paves Way for Business Growth and Sustainability in Silicon Valley
ABC7 News
by Staff Writer
SANTA CLARA, Calif. (KGO) -- The Silicon Valley Central Chamber (SVC) is at the heart of business in Silicon Valley, leading the world technologically to determine the path of business for the future.
"When an organization joins the Silicon Valley Central Chamber (SVC), every employee is a member, and we recognize that," said Christian D. Malesic, President/CEO of the SVC Chamber. "That's why our programs and services, our events and offerings, are designed and affect every employee and every business."
"The SVC is home for small businesses, mom & pop shops, professionals, and any business that wants to grow and excel--becoming a better business tomorrow than they were today."

"At the chamber, we are especially focused on helping businesses get back on their feet and prosper," explained Christian Pellecchia, Board Chair of the SVC Chamber.
The chamber serves as an advocate for the Silicon Valley business community and strives to advocate, connect, and educate for the growth and sustainability of its business members.
The chamber serves as an advocate for the Silicon Valley business community and strives to advocate, connect, and educate for the growth and sustainability of its business members.
"We advocate at city hall, at the county, and in Sacramento at the state level," explained Malesic. "When your employees learn and grow through the chamber your whole organization improves."
The SVC represents all businesses in the Silicon Valley and it is the only chamber of commerce to represent the whole valley and beyond. For more information, please visit here.
Connect with the SVC:
Phone: (408) 244-8244
Connect with the SVC:
Phone: (408) 244-8244